Learn Best FX Strategies for Profit : welcome to the seventy which saw a bat
personal strength stretches any particular we're gonna be looking at to
best stretchable for BC people will keep you don't want to spend too much
time on their trading %uh strategy we can be looking at some term trend
each it only takes around 30 minutes day
sets money do not have to spend much time on
so and Europe to see looking long-term trends and buy long-term trends
I mean trends last from many weeks
longer and this strategy is actually one of the favorites stretches
be oprah traders many many up the world's greatest Rangers
yet trained for life and the reached Lesage
great strategy is courses time-efficient but you never will
confidence in it because they're always big trends we don't do
is just look any char you well the currency pair
you'll see strains last year many weeks
to over a year or more and the reason these trends
up is because the economic hells other country
tens to change slowly over time
you know period expansion to period contraction
snow always going to be there free market economy
now in terms strengthening it's not very popular
will begin its new releases he's in is because it does require patience
and i'll settle changes have a problem
holding a long-term trend when they get a retracement
thanks to across your profit in the market markets coming back again 16
is a temptation to take the profit
missile most traders to take mind profit mercy
and held that made major profit the new some way
Rams are yeah basically getting concerned about
trance and against you K it's pretty simple solution come to
moment but hate you think she into the state train
so rupees look at the peak levels there
that means getting at weekly chart months late
misspeak sport resist settles seen if they
coincide with ninety chart if they do ICICI
enter on a break at the level set breaks at
the upside it just getting the market now I'm gonna
just get through tip that will help you stay with long-term
trends with that yet be concerned about
straight since and intellectually from the cockpit leadership sound that great
currency traders for
years ago analyst it's a fantastic trading tips old is he did
by CPK seem to attract eat K
he'll wait for it become own purple sets an uptrend
and also market Kenya continue
not be desirable for a considerable period time however
the chances are always trades say purpose of its trade
and Ben what he does is he wants
to the trace and back to little slow puts the other
halfback in sunny dusty 50 percent market
points at fifty puts 15 backing and I think
actually it each its let me try
is what you do is you missed yet reduce your risk exposure
arm when the market is a purple and you twist
chance yet put it back in its better price
any comeback in the do it correctly arm
you know you get a better price tux and pop it in the bank
and he keeps you sees within the train
and I think yet it's one of those
tapes that lawn seats they
with the peak trains and i'll settle SEC protect yourself
all the time and yet look traders and get into
be trent wanna here I'll case that come in small
then at trent at their positions sorry
that is a huge mistake on to see always
chance retold once the price is $9 strongly
so use that 50 50 10 that will keep you
%ah in the long-term trend lani chat operate
greatness to trial and when he flanneled send trends once the trend is in motion
you shouldn't her you stop see club said K
um yeah I would say you stop needs to be
back behind the second many chin level up sports
in an uptrend said know the first step if the second metal
a fund of serbia sweet day moving average
yet behind that level is often occur rates
place sir yet purchase stop
now into the the method just discuss
um yet you'll find that if you
the get into those retrench black sheep erupted
whole them from months on ain't
and kiss really great profits and intensive trend following
you do not meet many trains
K to pay for your losses and in terms the trends alike on
yet I know trend followers probably loosing seventy to eighty percent
their traits on yet making huge profits
because when you get upbeat trained
E reedy does page for all those small losses
k you're in trenton is used to stay the pic trends
just liquidate loses early said when he coming on break at
just have to stop pretty tight behind the break capped
always remember prospects at a bit level
should follow through very quickly if it doesn't
on you could comfort for it comes back I think it
diet said %uh so happy so pretty tight on the printer
point I think yes 4x yet trend following
his you media fantastic chachi is
some simple you have total confidence in it because the logic is so
easy to understand and it's really really profitable
are yeah and its at a stretchy anyone
can't learn and apply and enjoy
currency trading success then we got plenty of videos
that go into more depth about Forex trend following are you cheech and just
checked their
for more info and yep just check out the benefits
long-term trends like nothing you know you agree its be one the best strategy
season forex trading
Description : Learn Best FX Strategies for Profit : welcome to the seventy which saw a bat personal strength stretches any particular we're gonna be l...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Tips: Simple Trading Strategies and the Real Secret of Success
I welcome to the seven-year that which S et cetera answer question which
many newcomers the forex markets ask which is
is 4x trading easy
and this section needs some explanation I'll tell you why
she does first song little by little at
anyone can learn trade 4x
simple systems work best in anyone can
learn a simple system and trade the markets
profit however despite this fact
arm ninety percent to trade is news
and they have always lost money that they lost
money a hundred years ago they lose money 100 years into the future
are that statistic never changes
K so what makes
it difficult for ninety percent to trade is to make money
the Art Series they cannell dole
the right mindset um if you look at
statistic k90 said loses that
always remains constant because human
nature remains constant so forex trading
is easy to learn however you must
yet trade we discipline and
year she could trade distant control your emotions that is sexy
Katie to achieving long-term
trading success no yet administrators may come in the market
do not understand the impacts above-mentioned
all traders and missus line lose money said
yet what is the impact on traders in hand can you actually get disciplined
mind set
well the first thing I just couldn't get through is strategy
K intensive yet getting a simple trading strategy together
that should not take you very low you get one based upon
price action reading charts be very very simple
he research yourself don't have confidence in
now help you %uh yet basically apply
trading signals dispatch most rate is
don't have confidence in a trading system K
why because they follow others openly shortcuts to success
what they believe that you can we the majority
trading signals not happy roots drawdown you research your own trading system
you'll understand that you often have parrots
draw and that means spirits lost its attention not going away
on the majority trading signals you know if you
decent radio in a bit about 50 percent you trade signals
on but that just metres difference between profits and losses
which is the key to trading success long-term I know many traders
who's on eighty percent day trading signals
and yet could still clear 100 percent per annum in profit
and which introduced see losses Justin
overhead forex trading is a business %uh
demonstrators when they get a loss its eat to be a small loss that they don't
why because they hope that students earn a man
when they fear losing and looking stupid will yeah he doesn't mention forestry
gotta lose you ego just take those losses
and basically by Chip profits when
thank Tom and I think your forex traders the way
on forex trading is promoted days yessum
easy money just follow the Bible never be
can at any periods drawdown but it's not
you cannot see the reality is you will have to that
it doesn't matter I dog term you can make money you only need a simple
straight in strategy to win
I think yes a little meets about forex trading
and yeah it's kinda promoted debate like an online
Siena promotes yet look ahead portraits promote
the market's annoyances huge amount to miss the trade is sold for as well
yet well key is a simple strategy in trading discipline
this a huge momentum it stands road Traders of course love the knees
the myth making money day trading and scalping
it appeals the camping mentality in people
that David you just raking in random law is
does not have much you make we're happy to trading
system is you'll never get yeltsin sightsee
always need to avoid a trade in stopping focus on the longer-term
also complexity up a recent simple methods work best
they do complexity on the
necklace in forex trading and yet the reason why such mixed into complex
intercept too many elements the bright the statistic
at ninety percent losers overtimes constants shows
that technology developments have got no
impacts on increasing in meant winners
in the forex markets so I think if you wanna learn forex trading
net don't research so base sketchy you look on our site
saw are you cheech and Sarge week-old
best methods and strategies outlined a
whole are rarely videos
on money management and traders psychology
it's getting the right mindset which is the key trading success
can it be easy yes can you just have to make that choice
to discipline mindset Eagles strategy even age
you're already %uh to enjoy forex trading success
seventy-foot used it yet take care and have a good day
Description : Tips: Simple Trading Strategies and the Real Secret of Success I welcome to the seven-year that which S et cetera answer question which man...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Tips : Forex Bank Trading Strategies and Best Techniques for Profit :
I will concede best which salute bat bank trading strategies
the techniques they employees yet to try and make money in the markets and what
she can learn from them
now Bank's strategy some it's a big topic on the net you look around you
cheap you find
numerous against repealing secret strategies
of the bank's what you need to do to make money
traders have a real obsession with the banks because they think he's at the
the making huge profits and some secret
trading success misty I want to give you that reality
love yet what really happens bank manage money
an ulcer what you can learn from them which
learned from them City sent or perceptible
they do in terms your trading strategy that become more clear cycled through
no lettuce administrators think the big institutions
me huge profits on the money they manage nothing could be further from the truth
you just have a look at the statistics the Barclays managed fund indexes
see very very few farms activity more than
yet led see peachy gains and
to graphic me show you have pulled performances
Justin hedge funds people think hedge funds just me
huge amounts of money a consignment lack use to hedge fund manager
red book called The hedge fund the rush any
he worked out between 1998 and the present-day
if you'd invested in yeah hedge funds the average hedge fund
you with that sheep being natural to invest in US T-bills
not only gene better often best in in T-bills
you to me double the money that the average hedge fund
did and he also %uh committee
all the funs been shot them say had such colossal losses
sentry graphically illustrates the people who is on not making
huge amounts of money on the treaty counts
sometimes resources and yet will that
technology and manpower they girl why
do they not do better the answer is it's a culture they don't need to do better
they know the public believes me that they make huge nets
capital on and yet they know that the
the public just keep the money to manage what they want
given a manage the money trade is frequently as possible
generate commissions that is the way
the bank makes money client loses and makes money
that is brutal reality what happens
institutional money knuckles there are exceptions
there are a few funds to well but a neutral
as a group %uh be boys do not make money
trading to treatment each
this being the case %uh since I first started trading
and shouldn't you yesteryear if you want to read it great
book all yet banking culture be French rates where they
customers yachts written in 1929
an ass classic white guys showing people around you
Harper and debasing comes the yeltsin Harper
a decent here the pants and broken seals die
in in a tour group says where our customers yachts
which is exactly yep the ladies yeah banks
do not make money declines so my advice
any webpage yet you want to be learned from the bank you can learn it's that
technology demand intelligence they have
it's those terms starch and all the money
after research they cannot make money
um yet the end of the day if you wanna make money
can you huge voltage I for are
an institution you don't have to generate commissions pale yellow hit
you can just rage when the old serene of them
and you can be very patient but trading just a few times a month
you will find you can be on the
average hedge fund management easily
don't insult me that some the big boys
that's not true it's all and yet you just look at the facts
thanks illustrate its not true that GDP confidence to go in
yet trades in stretchy yeah nice impatient
and then just focus on making profits
fear counts enough to generate any commission cats lion the next day on the
beach boys
on I hope you enjoyed it and 38 to 20 questions or queries
least technique thank you
Description : Tips : Forex Bank Trading Strategies and Best Techniques for Profit : I will concede best which salute bat bank trading strategies the tec...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
number one was money
number two was power number three was sacks
number four was drawn this number five with family to me.
that some pretty excuse my French a preschool up values
and that some other the high is that really got my country
in tumor is right now this financial crisis was going after short term profit
what happened was they threw Jordan imprisoned for nearly two years
the stock market fraud had lost everything I lost all my money
by freedom my family most importantly my self-respect
to mugs game but it's difficult to resist Jordan believes that in losing
the lot
he gained more than he lost you know it but I look at the
board one thing I would remember that Bulls make money
bears make money but pigs get slaughtered I will concede that which is
all about and banks and hedge funds me
billions in profit prime very simple strategy
and if you learn what they do you can actually do the opposite
beat the majority of fund managers camp here
as we get through the video now kicked off
fun the start of the video the kick their Jordan baleful
to the SoCal wolf of Wall Street's none he was known
for ripping off his clients she ended up in jail and it's not be made into a film
with Leonardo DiCaprio
and he basically illustrates greedy
that exists in yet the bank and hedge fund industry
many people think that yen banks and hedge funds
trade 4x and make money clients
stem tea not true if you look
the performance %uh yet managed palms
you'll see very very poor very few
can actually get injured double figures Purana and there was a very interesting
up which shows basically strategy
the banks and hedge funds use to make money
and it's not like I could sign a letter and E
touch the call to hedge fund Miraj a netbook
yet she worked at you'd invested in the average hedge fund in 1998
through to the present day %uh you being actually
petrol in performance terms but double to have invested
in US T-bills sign fixed interest
he also worked at yet but
performances that all the hedge funds that were shut down and
period through losses any work 10
that arm your hedge funds that have been shut down
totaled around 700 I think it was billion in
in Klein lost since but the hedge funds
thanks so much $500 billion in commission this is
the secret yet hedge funds pants how they make money
they don't make money but yet making are
club profits that turn Klein
equity into Commission which means they
home for trade you'll see on hype
day trading scalping high-frequency trading
eat doesn't work to make money all you are doing is trading
random Norway's in the market to hedge funds and banks
it doesn't matter they will make commissioned by trading
regularly and you you look better science
for its markets and so forth this and science in poquito
its game a probability its signs me miss
me is totally inaccurate said banks hedge funds just
trading huge volumes traits
to generate commissions so the lesson you can learn is to basically
not trade too often your aunt no pressure
to make commission so if you look at the forex chart you will see
long-term trends last for yeah weeks
months and sometimes even years and all you have to do is just
gains those trends and hold them for profit
K see your trading lung cancer you've got the
what's on your side and you can just basically
trade infrequently and make money net can you be
its yet 10 percent per una I think you can
net hedge funds and banks struggle to do this that your advantage
easy to be very patient and you can basically
wait for the Heils opportunities not rated statement yet
thanks hedge funds really sophisticated trading systems
with aidid I'll but didn't make money %uh
its proven simple systems work best trading probabilities
and yeah if phone systems really did work
then yeah portrayed in a statement Monday Dec 22 sage
traders you lose money up remains signs
ninety percent it was that figure fifty years ago
it's that figured die and it will be yet
fifty years thoughts so what you can learn from banks and hedge funds is not
be intimidated by the so-called professionals
get yourself a simple system which is simply paste
RAM probabilities be patient await further
hi also achieving peace and then you can make
a lot of money and I think it in the forex industry today
there is loath yeah hype about yet banks and hedge funds make money
up the facts that prove it and
United eats one of those things but traders are intimidated by
markets that shouldn't be you wanna make money
do what most rate is dead trade longer-term
don't trade short term keep your system very simple
and you can make love money trading the forex markets
thanks very much watching city take care architect
Profitable Forex Trading Strategies Best Bank and Hedge Fund Trading Systems Revealed
Description : number one was money number two was power number three was sacks number four was drawn this number five with family to me. that some pretty ...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Forex Scalping Strategy > bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com
okay so I'll be sharing the heel
a free rights action say gee it uses
did are volume spread analysis as you can see I it volumes here
I kinda panel looks on me
dalian and the euro/dollar
and the time frame that we use would be the minute fifteen chart
amounts of them using is called Forex Tester
it simulates state I'll generates random
Tech Data and legal back tests on it
to see how well said that his work even
on making them markets hi strategy Lux
as I I need fractal says you can see him play in fact tools
in effect I meet volumes and we need the
candlesticks let me do is a heavyweight for bob was with
fall colors I mean for bosnia the same colors in a row
so that's a yes fall British because of all the irish bus so that's
the point by we start looking at the violence
so I had enough of follow any bar
after the park by yes look for the boys it has to have a body
larger than the people a scandal and violence
has to be smaller than a pea the scandal and then the state that will
meaning take the Kings whether that you've lost
you it was British me us a little less bearish
to buy it and the profit-taking with the
just appear this fact though I did not take
it's a key at at
the supplied resistance level and get get some space
so i cn C ms placing it and data both
that resistance okay
now other than having bus which I like your
and smaller volumes you can also head boss which are smaller body by
like your volumes so it works both ways I guess you can see a place might
I take bucket by stop loss would be I disagree
at birth is either a great above
are back till ish over you prefer
okay me to profit on the trade
now all the swirly the Chinatown bring you the next eight
bugging me has another
%uh seen all over him but
the body is of similar size said that the this game though he did not care
about the range %uh the week really look the body
so in this case we have the same body still needed icon that
now huh he only had for like your body by the volume
%uh is smothered in EB this by so we can sell here
is a trade like your buddy small in volume
cell okay now
for the trade the take profit will be pleased
the opposite thank Bill so the
out the placing it right over here and
and indeed L to at for spec and stuff
again so that took part in the snow
a game he hath another
sydney Love You the info buzz in a row
and the cases in the fifth buyer
has a like nobody and smaller volumes a week selling in Kansas both
I place lace-up law said that previous high
in trying to be as conservative as possible the purpose
here is to lose less money as possible while
trying to gain as much as possible solely expend a profit
but decreases to bust k got stuck in that land so let's just move on
to the next rate I think this is another tree
as you can see this fall bar has a live you
%uh Muddy Buddy a smaller one team so we can sell against this milf
again stop losses just
did and the and the grade above
and the take profit would be
ed the opposing fractal this one
within the 32-bit cable range
a grade of 10 are in bed of ice
any factors beyond that is
I'm relevant okay you call it
I J like a candle by the
and the selection million so that the week for the Knicks buyer
that looted make money dead well to be stripped the Noles
anemia another shot and we're here for. but for those brushed I
larger body small the volume so you can buy
against its visuals unfortunately we do not have a no passing
fact though he didn't allow us like 10 goods
so judges and former for high
our fourth ATI as it take profit
a key highway
surpluses but one good or the
closers spectral okay
take profit it
the key to his training he is not the H might
its moral the mystery what racial with a slight edge
this you can leaving only fifty-one percent of
times but if there are ways to you what ratio is more than
on this tool and okay this is and not the
very straight year more than four policemen was in a row
and this bomber a
as love the
want has smaller volumes that no in bathroom bus to the left
eat nor did I G in the middle
between those two so he is elected by anybody is small the
volumes so
I'm selling handguns this sotsass about one great and the
take profit is a different perspective Afilias
the stop loss was too small for this %uh
platform so I it's too with it as six
tips okay
take profit
okay be at the trade show with the large embodied in the penis can land me in the
a smaller volume than their previous schedule so we can sell
against his will take profit would be
PS opposite kennelly she's here
and supplies is
yes did above I think I pressed suppose to bake
should only be about faith its and thank you for chill
um I hope that this strategy when too many new
dollars many pounds and
I its you feel like
I am saying thank you you can always donate money
I guess a simple things you could also be not that I know
lil money actually as I can teach our free - Price Action Forex Scalping Strategy 90% Wins
Description : Forex Scalping Strategy > bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com okay so I'll be sharing the heel a free rights action say gee it us...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com > Forex Trading Strategy with Fibonacci Retracement
this videos can show you how you can make money trading forex using Fibonacci
there's two main types if they do not use retracements
infidelity profit targets fibonacci retracements
show you lower risk places to buy in the church and the uptrend
on a short term pork that I should profit targets
where the party usually will move to as the trend continues
and install or reverse let me show you an example here
the market is moving from the bottom up
in you want to draw your phipps on here
left click on the chart using leverage
FX dark homes 7i gtalk left click
and driving all the way to the top so the shows the thirty .2 percent to match
the fifty percent and 61.8 I usually recommend a new traders the directional
move has to be 25 to 30 percent more
you want to buy the 50 or sixty one point 8 percent for Paul Burke
so let's look at this particular example more couples rate down
to the 61.8 percent level you would a bottle 250
in skilled in to 61.8 market continues its up to it
seek the market makes a move up pulls back
in the Phipps give you a little replaced by in the direction of the trend
in anticipation the trend to continue housing market goes up
you'll see our financial profit targets are then displayed
this is a 1.32 for the night you profit target most times the market stalls at
this level
strong trends will go the 1.618 level then reverse
your counter trend trader using the Fibonacci profit targets
using leverage FX's properly set for tonight you alls
as one los tres places so you could you could given to you sure rate your
1.31 95 in skillet again appeared
32 04 and you can see the market pulls back
I'm about 15 pips goes up interest test the hike in
forms a double top and pulls back about 20 percent of the hype
so this fibonacci system
let you get into the trend on poor black you by here
market goes up you you exit your longus in you consider going sure if your
character in Trader
this trade great year found about 40 pips up
in a character in trade found about 20 pips on the way back down
let's look at other example here the markets and strong uptrend
you know obviously is a failure because the market cap explodes down
you read it and lycra during news well enjoy yourselves on your room highest I
low slow and as we strongly the future we want to be sure to $15.62 purcell
in this case it didn't actually hit the sixty-two percent level
or sure eight-year 31 65
fell about 20 pips as we're anticipating
the down trend continuing which it does let's go get another example
here's an example where the market shoots down
comes back up to I fails to break out higher
comes back down again feels break out your test so high again
and then finally breaks down the middle or low so now we can assume the trend is
you only for
the first consolidation area to join your Philips so you draw from here
to hear in because
the markets not able to trace it to the first thirty percent level
I suggest not buying the first 1.32 for profit or you wanna by the secular
because this is a sign that the markets not even strong enough to retrace pick
up to
even the most minimal retracement levels so if your color trend trader
or your trading with the trend you wanna hold on in this is an excellent place
together the trade it we'll see what happens market just touches the theory
to the PIP
in retraces backup about 40 pips so for those viewers short
gives you the absolute perfect place to go to trade you would have cut
100 percent on the move and you can trade counter trend there
very safely is your Aspire 10 pips in this case the market went up
forty-fifth your way you know when your wrist 10 pips
in you make for TPS in your right fifty to sixty percent I'm you make it I'm
using the financial tools in Forks let's look at another example
to another example the market shoots up feels that the high incomes back down
into the lower low
we can house in the downtrend someplace you we want to scroll over
if your films on here from the high to the low notice
the market which races right up to 38 percent that level
installs this is a relatively risky read it
to get in the trades but it does work when the work is really weak
let's roll the reins you would have
make breaks down is going to lower level and you can see the market stalls
right at the first if not for profit target if you're short
right around here this is your first profit objective
in this case you made about 35 36 perhaps
and if your character in Trader you can leave for this level
to get into low short term country intrude
you would have bought your 3145
market went up about 20 PS
actually went up about 45 test
so it's a little risk place if you raise temp is down there again
in this example you made about 45 pips
walrus going to in the server not you profit targets
are about 60 to 70 percent accurate in my test
this concludes our Fibonacci analysis tool you like to see more free videos
go to our website at leverage FX top comments leve are
a GE affects Dakar - Forex Trading Strategy with Fibonacci Retracement
Description : Bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com > Forex Trading Strategy with Fibonacci Retracement this videos can show you how you can make mone...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Forex Trading Strategy > bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com
everyone's sterling here from day trading forex live
today I would say to bring you the confirmation entry as is an entry you
can use in
in almost a hundred percent the roundly really transition from
a lot a different entries to being extremely specific with this one entry
that's because it's been
been very very successful now are you know when every trade now
now we have a a losing weight from time to time your
but the consistency of end of month profits has been there
consistently every single month we've been turning profit with this
and that's why I want to share with you guys I hope have any by struggling out
there if you're new trader
hi or for just a struggling trader you know this is the type
but strategy that can really turn you trading around
and I'm I hope it does for you guys it's a
you know it's something that's it's very simple naïve
you guys know if you're new to trading I I think about myself
when I A put out a strategy are put out something that I've been using that's
been working extremely well
I said I think about myself and I think about what would help me in the
I come from the exact same spot
everybody listen this videos come from struggling sitting there
you know dealing with oh my god I'm gonna find some that actually does work
for me
can I make money in this market and so it
you know as I sit there and think about myself and
all the things that used to run through my head n with the strategies
that's why I love this one so much because
its sole sample and when something is simple
its repeatable and for myself when I was
you know starting out trading in in having a successful trade here and
you're doing really well for a few weeks and just gets slammed by a couple trades
that was one thing I struggled with and that was can
number one consistency and it was because I didn't have something that was
I have something that was repeatable so you know not having that really
you know really did turn me from trading because it was
extremely difficult to repeat
he know repeat any type of success and so I hope that's what this tragedy does
for you guys you know I will i really wanna play out something there that to
is gonna help you guys in and I think this really well
really well and I have a article aside as well I wanna make an article
I've had some people that sometimes hard for them to understand English but they
can read texts so if if that's you
make sure you check out the article and the chart as well
that goes along with the article but let's get right in disguise you can play
in a practice in your own trading
first and foremost as with nemi strategies
support resistance plays a part in it every time we come in the room every
single day were market now supporters distance no doubt marking out
every single tiny little high and low America now
points in the market where made a good swing of that level you know you look at
this resistance here
and it made a real nice wing of that level you look at the support down here
made a nice swing of that level
if you're not getting at least a couple candle ron of it you know twenty thirty
forty perhaps
then I usually would mark that is sparta resistance
as you can see here as well i'm mark
resistance and support with
the candle body rather than the candle wick
in AC he remarked the higher that the camera body
rather not work because im we extend to be emotional times the market
so if you can root out all that emotion you can get the
actual you know what the actual resistance level was
what was holding and price for the longest period time
that swing get your fair quality levels of support or resistance Center
you knowi that you can trade off so we identified that resistance air
and I i will say before getting into this any further snack tray we took in
the room
this was this resistance level occurred around London
and there's a market pullback up to it this is about a 23 hours before we
actually at the Rome
there's a really quality set up there wanna point out
because ills trade hills trade confirmation entry so well
getting into this its a3 candle set up and if you guys
you wanna write this down you'll be able to
you'll be able to go back to that but it's a3 candle set up
for scandal has to be touching some level support or resistance
has a market in this case was pulling up to this resistance level
I was looking for the market to
come in as resistance and the first criteria are the criteria for the first
is very simply I wanna see it touching their resistance and then closing as urs
candle either shooting star hammer formation
so the market holes into that resistance
what i'm looking for. inc.-ca didn't quite hit the redline
how I judge whether something hit resistance or support is
whatever candle I'm marking the resistance our support of love
does it touch the body love that candle
some marking the resistance of this little reversal candle here
and you can see market pullback and
touched the body their reversal candle right there
so it did touch the resistance in quiet the higher the body but
like I said doesn't matter to me as long as it's hitting the body there
the body that candle so this first candle met all the criteria
touch the retouch resistance and closed as a perfect reversal candle there
so first first can all the criterion that
that's called a reversal candle very simply there now the second candles or
call a confirmation candle
in order to be a confirmation candle has to me one criterion one criteria only
he has to close below the body
they reversal candle sequences neck skin on very clearly
close below the body on the reversal candle
so now we have direction you know the first candle tells you that okay the
market hit resistance
and there's a potential it's gonna reverse you know it's Tanya a there's
some hesitation in the market
I'm slowing down a little bit a meeting in equal amount to buyers to sellers
but it doesn't give you enough information did just enter the trade
you've all seen it where there's a
the hell just absolutely beautiful reversal can on the market will blow
through it
you go what the heck just happened there now this
sorry but I guess anyways as we go through here
you know we just talked about the second candle the confirmation candle
now we wait for the confirmation the camel a close and here's where things
get a little bit different
now with this third candle slim blue candle here
slightly bullish what we do in the third candle as we wait for a pullback
into them body have a reversal candle and that's where we're taking the shorts
were taking all the way up here
now this is a good example up sometimes
the market will poll all the way back up here sometimes it'll never give you a
pullback in you won't get a trade
but what you're looking for as a general rule of thumb is for the market to pull
in the body that reversal candle for the interest short
so real quick list just over this real fast and
so it tell you guys can write down her getting grain down a bit more
about what this setup saw about for scandal it needs to be touched in some
level of support or resistance
Nick this case %uh Marco's going up so we're looking for teh resistance
cell did this can I resistance very clearly dead
has to hit resistance and cause a reversal candle one sack and a very
very clearly did the second candle has two
in order to be a confirmation candle for short set up means to close below
the body is a reversal candle which is second can a very clearly dead now third
in order to take the entry needs to Paul back into the body
they reversal candle now
this is shown as a3 candle set up there's times in the room where we take
it on a for candle set up
I am you know it's at some time ago over extensive here but sometimes it takes
four candles for this to set up
and I like I said I won't go over to extensively here just
for time constraints but just keep noted that sometimes you will see it and I'll
you'll see what I mean is
as time progresses East are using this strategy
salters video really helped you guys you know like I said before there's an
article on the site
Scott same chart chart screenshot
we'll be able to go over the text and you know get a better idea for it but
if you're new to trading if you're struggling with trading
really try and learn this strategy you know put it new use
and you know it's something that can really change trading around here I know
it for me it
it nationally increased my monthly profits
I am you know it its it's something that just
amplifies where RT at so
as you go into this if you have any questions whether your part is a rumor
I dot I don't really care about that I just want you guys to learn it so if you
have questions
feel free to email me and I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you
guys may have
so until next time happy trading see as for the next video
Forex Trading Strategy 'Day Trading Confirmation Entry
Description : Forex Trading Strategy > bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com everyone's sterling here from day trading forex live today I would s...
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Simple Forex Trading Strategies > bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com
hazardous look at my for its beauty toria in this is our today we shall be
going to disparate
Rs I in kidder I'm going to show you how exactly can use dis
for it I signed k to effectively nutri okay
so the school told them it's like so what exactly is our site okay this is a
the ice and Gators actually also known as the rat def
Strang necks from name itself yet to be tells you
that is indicator can tell you the strength of the market
and their 40s actually a momentum indicator so what does a moment didn't
get a new
yet to be is used to measure whether the market is currently overbought all
were sort because talbott I make when a lot people are getting into the train
Inc keep on buying this a for example your uptrend you keep on buying buying
now be appointed Vice overbought and
the price would tend to relieved the pressure
i doing a correction before the next move
and therefore using his arms and kiddo we r able to tell
read it the markets currently overbought all oversaw
okay so this is one good thing about I signed kidder
so next year to go to high is actually we
REIT are insane killer and effort is very important and you need to know that
ours and get a right has over arming to of CO two hundred a case from zero cost
all the way two hundred n this 39 and a
some delight okay as long as it's less than 30
im is that the market is oversaw okay his modest seventy
a kid tells you that the market yes overbought however
as a tree that we did not recently based on this what muscles sighing
okay he doesn't mean a big over but also
the pressure on the move further the for you to have a good
and effective way right abusing his eyesight okay so the
East effective to a treaty and is a sec you and show you in this video tutorial
so hardly used is I sign the key to effectively and therefore I would shoot
two weeks they can use to eat and his eyesight
effectively in a trading so they can make money from it so
first you can use this arson kidder s entry Decatur
you could also use this diverge indicator and I shall go true indeed
each this so that you have a better understand how it works so let's go to
the next like okay
so first %uh this is how you use are signed get as entry and get her
best to strategy okay to use in a range strategy whereby the prices ranging
is moving a site we may not consider is moving up dow
up down slightly Mina okay on a tool you can use in their
trending market this picture here
be such a trainee was a person numbers so
how do we use in to different strategy and I'm gonna show you how it works
so the say that you're in its range strategy adjusted at back and drop to
this tube light line here and dissected trend channel
again it's a sign that the price is moving so we aren't
consolidation and this is the best time to use our thank you
when the markets ranging I see I started to get a what's best
okay to see here but when the price right
she the resistance hazardous
the stretch and interest and is a spot when his to
resistance they can see that the same time I social style
overbought look at the sultry in here you go
see profit from here is any good okay that
a/c heat stir supplying yesterday's
going all the sort again
at that rate as he some proper here okay
as he goes down the game is over so
yet the trip any property again again therefore this homework City
cell cell by self think is he home in time to make a profit from this movement
and e-books
especially well in the range ranging market get this is how you store
I side together in a bridge strategy and Nick Swisher go to
what eat lot in a trending market
again this is how you used our site cuter
same here this is what we call the I did the absence at the rally
sewing uptrend I what we are doing right trade at your
always looking for opportunity to buy the dips so Casey here
the price should it's you I cycle
also okie so do not and the stray away with for I had to cough up
at that rate this is forget okay
asimov target SE
is oversaw the game with a cup up again
at that rate this is how much you may begin
high vacancy at that time moved out
it did not heater also their phobia
not going to at the end to it will be enacted highlights yet the reason why
I'm used that phrase because a stochastic denoble below the 50 mark
think I've up so other this me miss a chance to make a profit
the successful trader life in his ability to stick to plan
yet remember that as a true that you have to always dicta
plan so after this
so good school how you're going to used as are same kid as a diversion
Peter K in fact that Ibiza must be but very
I'll familiar with make deep diversion
in fact right there's more two divergent just 19 cuter
yet it will just die casting get it will turn a are signed cuter
and therefore in this tutorial should go to if you hire you use of this are
in ours and cuter so high what is this to see that
are so gay rights act and making a low/high
is it this high is higher than this high the new high-tech do
lower than the high how effort crisis making a
hi I guess it is a diversion and the code is negative divergence
as les preste mi hi hi but like us to I signed gatorade is making a
low height is negative by Virgin at is a site at a price
we'll reversed and therefore based on this year actually at the
shot trip here a true enough to see how much the price
to collapse and this is actually
hola diversion walks any works for more time
and therefore in this to try cause how to me use of our site
back to sleep a diversion kidder is one of the best way to treat
Argentina okay
so basically as a whole ours entities
very useful you can tell us over but also can be use
as a entry kidder on the range strategy SOS a
change strategy and more importantly can be used in a
divergent okay and for more
strategy right suis a forex and get a fix is to just visit my blog for it and
get it all
and this is actually where I share with you guys
are my trading knowledge J show viewed as a trillion kidder's damn using and
how to use them
okay and this here actually are a shave you
the tutorial the stretch it and using so that you guys going to eat right using
see respective and this with with more people come to this website
and trying to make this into coming he fortuitous and therefore a comer
and pick up the SAR pool where I scratch each question every month
so that you guys have been a listing of understanding of what
fellow traders experiencing okay
and most importantly country before a Senate cue and the spice where answered
the questions of my sadness let a subscriber
get twice a week okay and I could lead to be a subscriber is very easy just
time a free forex trade in his letter here
kinda 6,000 subscribers and was a subscriber to ask a question every month
and I try to answer them
ok it fights a month a twice a week miss the okay
so I hope that you guys write enjoy this feature Toyota done for you
an for mobility to wreak activism a block
and out up to you soon - Three Simple Forex Trading Strategies
Description : Simple Forex Trading Strategies > bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com hazardous look at my for its beauty toria in this is our today w...
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Tips : How to make $16,7000 trading Forex using a Secret strategy | bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com
okay so I've got his paper on the day the two broken through that level of
support their
and a downtrend this look it up on the 5 minute chart here in the wind above
you can see the list below the mainly picket line then it's formed a little
bit of support
so the jump trading screen and their pickups telling
which as i last screen here British pound the ice US Dollar
sell it but 30 lots in here
which is that they couldn't three hundred dollars per pip
separate if it makes my favorite make three hundred dollars 350 if it gets me
over to
at least three hundred dollars that that from skis and getting that trade on
life now there is something that's is because some strays
lakes and on it now runs just got legs broken through the daily
assist organize my screens a little bit here um
from Stetson meet up and down I'm
the reason I'm I believe it's got legs is is because it's broken the daily
that's below the pivot on the 5 minute chart member the futures floor traders
using this main pivot to lines on the 5 minute chart to show us
exactly what we should be fine so their current C span multiple trench multiple
time frames for agreeing
have got a good signal see can see here let kids play that made headlines
um it to its doubt just looking to break through
that me to point on the five-minute which is set which is where placed on
and dump the kidnapper to stop Abarth
perfect shot me back and let this thing run and miss let it run
for know the holes trading sessions spin up it that make notes I hit that main
line from the full and they've got a good run distance them to click on my
fifth extension till which has modified his slightly
estimated that the potential and the meat is got a potential 130 pips to run
and like they're trying to Canadian 130 pips skirt do another one of these
quick traits for you guys to say how long or what can be made in a period of
but I am gonna let this run and and look to see what can be collected
to jump back to my trading screed here um you can see that I've got
this is a position to modify the fun at the open position here to see can see
it's a bit to
to text see that the running PNL it's him up like a left fourteen hundred
up the goal he really is just see what can be done
blitzer keep it going to be put off the Strait well
well cases that sucks a trade off the table
notice that we have some support forming here at the Sir
s 10 here theft rates for quite literally overnight
a we are 36 may say we've got general election the UK today
as well as have non-farm payrolls coming up tomorrow
in the United States so there's a sneeze activity coming up and stuff set up
so well let's look straight down here we have from
the position running Chris Pennell 60,000
let's take the position of the table so hit close and
it will close pushed out here the placing are close to buy
purchase of $30 gots
and yeah trade is not a lot so
16,700 could trade at
let's move on to the of
How to make $16,7000 trading Forex using a Secret strategy
Description : Tips : How to make $16,7000 trading Forex using a Secret strategy | bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com okay so I've got his paper on...
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Forex Trading Strategy | Simple Forex Strategies Learn forex trading online
Simple Forex Strategies > bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com
welcome to our jumpstart trading strategy
now the jumpstart trading strategy is a daily cash flow step strategy
the objective is to make between five and 20 pips per trade
on 325 trades per day now star get-rich-quick
strategy but it does teach you how to use signals
and make consistent money and build a good foundation for your trading career
as you can see here we Bart some spots where we had a an entry signal
on the moving averages on the office later we have a confirming entries
and so if you're looking for the five to 20 pips
I usually would have gone that I love this trade a
got many much more if you knew when to get out on what signals would they give
you the edge
signals I'll have another entry signal here
and here for a nice move down on this subject ur
trade so take a look at the year
the free copy that we have available for you
at the our website and a take a look if you like what you see they'll be
more things coming that will enhance your trading career talk to you later
thanks bye

Description : Simple Forex Strategies > bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com welcome to our jumpstart trading strategy now the jumpstart trading str...
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How To Make 500 to 700 Fx Pips Profit Weekly, Success In Forex Trading
Strategy How To Make 500 to 700 Fx Pips Weekly, Success In Forex Trading > bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com
this group is for a trade secrets over the talk but in this video is
take make between 500 to 700 ethics pips
in a weekly basis after making more positive pips in your
negative pips because you're going to be making money
the obvious question is for how do I make these a good positive pips
there are two major things you need to have in order to make the
captives were talking about first of all you have to the simplest and most
precise trading system
on the Internet and then you need to be connected to in trade with
veteran traders that are making these numbers appear probably heard traders
say that their
making the more than 500 pips in in a monthly basis
that's great but love you can find system where traders were making $500 to
$700 pips
on a weekly basis that the worst known about wouldn't
social too low to show you an example art the some the tax is making this a
regular basis
as you see a shot up for trait I want repair
there is a first position entered and then add on
two morons initial to add-ons
and all the trades plus or closed at the same time the total number appears on
this one
currency pair was over 750 has 1 trade
now this is non-normal this is a very good
week with mark was removing but on a regular week
you might have a a couple hundred pips on
trade on this currency pair 75 on another hunter another
456 currency pairs then that adds up to the 500 700 pips
that's on a week when the market is moving on a normal basis not having
great again it moves part of which have to do is you have to be able to add on
that's one of the little Ceaser to like share with you right now
but knowing which settles it take at which time frames trade
to have the confidence to make these kind of trades and stay in them that's
the thing you need from your trading system
and the people you trade with we've been debating for months
about telling people about this because we can figure that they would
probe believe that trade information as many pics on a regular basis
because that's not the normal thing that the industry understands they understand
that you have to
his post to lose it was a struggle in only a few people make it
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now it does not happen it just one day but it does happen most weeks
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bill archer information and get the job search strategy in your be instructed as
to a tender trading room and this will you be able to
satisfy their curiosity or you'll be able to get information on how you can
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yourself because it really does work we've seen it happen so many times that
we do so your would be willing to share it was not just a fluke
so we'll see you in the training room and good luck in your trading
How To Make 500 to 700 Fx Pips profit Weekly, Success In Forex Trading

Description : Strategy How To Make 500 to 700 Fx Pips Weekly, Success In Forex Trading > bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com this group is for a tra...
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Tips : Forex Simple Day Trading Strategy, Trading With The Trend >> bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com
I this is Kirk forex trade secrets the missile
illustration we want to show you a simple strategy for day trading
in the main to you want to do is just to determine which way the trend is going
i'm used a thirty minute to find a trend and then go to a five minute time frame
and time your entries now many times
people use too much information you see here we have some candlesticks
and we have an indicator that will tell us which was addressed to the trend is
I will show you examples a what we see many people use
to try and a trade with and/or long-term trade with
you can see here that there are
men too many indicators too much information and we actually see charged
with people trying to trade with this type of information
they are on information overload by the time they make a decision
the traders already passed to tell us go back and see what the simple day trading
method would be so you
don't have to analyze much information to raise your this first line here mark
that's when the train starts from the
indicator goes below the zero line to sell trailer goes above the indicator
it's a by trade and it looks like to nominate traits he referred you go the
small time frames
if there are no trades will filter them out the second vertical line
represents the time with the day that I would actually start reading
this is 12 GMT or the opening up the US session
now we're going to go to the five min indicator
and use entry indicators
so many do you on this one just fine with the dad rushed to the trend is
analogy we're looking at a five minute chart initial we're looking at is a
momentum indicator
and and we know that we're only trading and the short positions because the
trend is down starting nod over here
this is where we came in so now we're starting to look for anything it's a
danceable how do we know all when a good time is tender
well we use the more alert and we test them
here now see the red arrows in the girls but we know we're looking for red arrows
the down signals if you see somebody Buehrle's
and you're looking for a downtrend don't worry about that
that's made their mathematically calculated and for just a short period
there was a single going up but you look at the larger time frame
to time the direction the trend the first signal
comes right here their normal erred
and the strategy is Megan or lurch
sell trade you take the trade and when you
comes down in this is a momentum indicator changes colors
that's when you would exit to the trade so this one was love
around 50 20 pips for the stricter trade
you're out on the market and another indicator comes up
and you ain't tell you seeded No and change that was about 50
pip move right there so you can see you have really had worked very hard edge
waiting for the signals to
give you information now not every indicators going to give you a lot of
based on that too just reggie right here
you may have gotten in by the time it to change colors you
you probably lost four five tips on that when the city lost five tips on that one
another one comes up you'd take the same
strategy and you lost five tips on that one as well
you just keep on trading you know you gonna lose door about you've made
you lost 10 pills that you made 70 pips try to this
so we have another signal going down and you may know twenty fifth on that one
and another man over here you made about another 20 pips
so let's see how you can day trade
tree in the direction of the trend on only a 30 minute chart but for sure you
find the trend
and then use a close to getting signals get out
and that's as difficult as it has to be to get these indicators
go to forex trade secrets and senator jumpstart that will give you be able to
get the
trend indicated that were used did you wanna see how our whole system works
join us in our training room and/or sign up for lunch patron degree
and then you can take advantage of the ask strategies and
techniques were used to to make money in the transfer market
many many pips per week
hope this will help to you in learning tools simple
day trading strategy talk to you later line
Forex Simple Day Trading Strategy secret, Trading With The Trend

Description : Tips : Forex Simple Day Trading Strategy, Trading With The Trend >> bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com I this is Kirk forex trade ...
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Bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com > My favourite Forex strategy
hey guys mark Larson here well here's the bonus track
today I will describe a simple but very powerful strategy
that I use in my trading make sure you have some paper to write down some notes
and feel free to pause the video
if you need to now right here we go
what you need is a ball injure bans indicator which is a part up
every Metatrader many trades underestimate the power of this simple
invented by John Bollinger in the 1980s
let's apply this indicator to the and 15
15 minutes gbp/usd
pound to US dollar chart with the period up ten
the upper band is a resistance
and the lower band is a support if you pay attention to the chart
you will see that most of the time the price hit the upper band
then it retraces back to the lower band so how I trade
is very easy my way to the price touches
well let's say the lower band and closes above it
not under it and wait till the candle is formed
when it finishes and the next candle opens under the previous lower band
van I enter along trade and here's the trick that most people don't use
and that's why did they fail to use the ball in japan's indicator successfully
baby don't know when to close the trade
and therefore way to the price reaches upper band
which in most cases does not happen
let's apply moving average indicator with a period a fourteen
it is shown in red on my chart here is the trick to close the trades properly
way to the price reaches moving average line
not the upper band enclose your trade
that's it very easy the strategy works good
on such currencies like euro USD USD Canadian dollar
euro Great Britain pound US Japanese yen the strategy is sensitive to the spread
so make sure you trade on a broker which gives Ross bread
like I and FX dot com the strategy is very simple
and it always works take a look at my trades that I'm showing now
on the screen plenty of trades and
all closed in profit just make sure you don't treat
around economic news that have a great impact on the market
and you will be safe try it
and you will love it and don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Facebook
and check out my latest 4x systems reviews
here's hoping I love your trades are profitable ones
take care... My favourite Forex strategy
Description : Bestforexstrategysecrets.blogspot.com > My favourite Forex strategy hey guys mark Larson here well here's the bonus track today I w...
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