Forex Trading Strategy >
everyone's sterling here from day trading forex live
today I would say to bring you the confirmation entry as is an entry you
can use in
in almost a hundred percent the roundly really transition from
a lot a different entries to being extremely specific with this one entry
that's because it's been
been very very successful now are you know when every trade now
now we have a a losing weight from time to time your
but the consistency of end of month profits has been there
consistently every single month we've been turning profit with this
and that's why I want to share with you guys I hope have any by struggling out
there if you're new trader
hi or for just a struggling trader you know this is the type
but strategy that can really turn you trading around
and I'm I hope it does for you guys it's a
you know it's something that's it's very simple naïve
you guys know if you're new to trading I I think about myself
when I A put out a strategy are put out something that I've been using that's
been working extremely well
I said I think about myself and I think about what would help me in the
I come from the exact same spot
everybody listen this videos come from struggling sitting there
you know dealing with oh my god I'm gonna find some that actually does work
for me
can I make money in this market and so it
you know as I sit there and think about myself and
all the things that used to run through my head n with the strategies
that's why I love this one so much because
its sole sample and when something is simple
its repeatable and for myself when I was
you know starting out trading in in having a successful trade here and
you're doing really well for a few weeks and just gets slammed by a couple trades
that was one thing I struggled with and that was can
number one consistency and it was because I didn't have something that was
I have something that was repeatable so you know not having that really
you know really did turn me from trading because it was
extremely difficult to repeat
he know repeat any type of success and so I hope that's what this tragedy does
for you guys you know I will i really wanna play out something there that to
is gonna help you guys in and I think this really well
really well and I have a article aside as well I wanna make an article
I've had some people that sometimes hard for them to understand English but they
can read texts so if if that's you
make sure you check out the article and the chart as well
that goes along with the article but let's get right in disguise you can play
in a practice in your own trading
first and foremost as with nemi strategies
support resistance plays a part in it every time we come in the room every
single day were market now supporters distance no doubt marking out
every single tiny little high and low America now
points in the market where made a good swing of that level you know you look at
this resistance here
and it made a real nice wing of that level you look at the support down here
made a nice swing of that level
if you're not getting at least a couple candle ron of it you know twenty thirty
forty perhaps
then I usually would mark that is sparta resistance
as you can see here as well i'm mark
resistance and support with
the candle body rather than the candle wick
in AC he remarked the higher that the camera body
rather not work because im we extend to be emotional times the market
so if you can root out all that emotion you can get the
actual you know what the actual resistance level was
what was holding and price for the longest period time
that swing get your fair quality levels of support or resistance Center
you knowi that you can trade off so we identified that resistance air
and I i will say before getting into this any further snack tray we took in
the room
this was this resistance level occurred around London
and there's a market pullback up to it this is about a 23 hours before we
actually at the Rome
there's a really quality set up there wanna point out
because ills trade hills trade confirmation entry so well
getting into this its a3 candle set up and if you guys
you wanna write this down you'll be able to
you'll be able to go back to that but it's a3 candle set up
for scandal has to be touching some level support or resistance
has a market in this case was pulling up to this resistance level
I was looking for the market to
come in as resistance and the first criteria are the criteria for the first
is very simply I wanna see it touching their resistance and then closing as urs
candle either shooting star hammer formation
so the market holes into that resistance
what i'm looking for. inc.-ca didn't quite hit the redline
how I judge whether something hit resistance or support is
whatever candle I'm marking the resistance our support of love
does it touch the body love that candle
some marking the resistance of this little reversal candle here
and you can see market pullback and
touched the body their reversal candle right there
so it did touch the resistance in quiet the higher the body but
like I said doesn't matter to me as long as it's hitting the body there
the body that candle so this first candle met all the criteria
touch the retouch resistance and closed as a perfect reversal candle there
so first first can all the criterion that
that's called a reversal candle very simply there now the second candles or
call a confirmation candle
in order to be a confirmation candle has to me one criterion one criteria only
he has to close below the body
they reversal candle sequences neck skin on very clearly
close below the body on the reversal candle
so now we have direction you know the first candle tells you that okay the
market hit resistance
and there's a potential it's gonna reverse you know it's Tanya a there's
some hesitation in the market
I'm slowing down a little bit a meeting in equal amount to buyers to sellers
but it doesn't give you enough information did just enter the trade
you've all seen it where there's a
the hell just absolutely beautiful reversal can on the market will blow
through it
you go what the heck just happened there now this
sorry but I guess anyways as we go through here
you know we just talked about the second candle the confirmation candle
now we wait for the confirmation the camel a close and here's where things
get a little bit different
now with this third candle slim blue candle here
slightly bullish what we do in the third candle as we wait for a pullback
into them body have a reversal candle and that's where we're taking the shorts
were taking all the way up here
now this is a good example up sometimes
the market will poll all the way back up here sometimes it'll never give you a
pullback in you won't get a trade
but what you're looking for as a general rule of thumb is for the market to pull
in the body that reversal candle for the interest short
so real quick list just over this real fast and
so it tell you guys can write down her getting grain down a bit more
about what this setup saw about for scandal it needs to be touched in some
level of support or resistance
Nick this case %uh Marco's going up so we're looking for teh resistance
cell did this can I resistance very clearly dead
has to hit resistance and cause a reversal candle one sack and a very
very clearly did the second candle has two
in order to be a confirmation candle for short set up means to close below
the body is a reversal candle which is second can a very clearly dead now third
in order to take the entry needs to Paul back into the body
they reversal candle now
this is shown as a3 candle set up there's times in the room where we take
it on a for candle set up
I am you know it's at some time ago over extensive here but sometimes it takes
four candles for this to set up
and I like I said I won't go over to extensively here just
for time constraints but just keep noted that sometimes you will see it and I'll
you'll see what I mean is
as time progresses East are using this strategy
salters video really helped you guys you know like I said before there's an
article on the site
Scott same chart chart screenshot
we'll be able to go over the text and you know get a better idea for it but
if you're new to trading if you're struggling with trading
really try and learn this strategy you know put it new use
and you know it's something that can really change trading around here I know
it for me it
it nationally increased my monthly profits
I am you know it its it's something that just
amplifies where RT at so
as you go into this if you have any questions whether your part is a rumor
I dot I don't really care about that I just want you guys to learn it so if you
have questions
feel free to email me and I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you
guys may have
so until next time happy trading see as for the next video
Forex Trading Strategy 'Day Trading Confirmation Entry
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Best forex strategy secrets profit
Best forex strategy secrets profit: Forex Trading Strategy Day Trading Confirmation Entry
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Forex Trading Strategy Day Trading Confirmation Entry
Forex Trading Strategy Day Trading Confirmation Entry
Description : Forex Trading Strategy > everyone's sterling here from day trading forex live today I would s...
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Description : Forex Trading Strategy > everyone's sterling here from day trading forex live today I would s...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
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