Tips : How to make $16,7000 trading Forex using a Secret strategy |
okay so I've got his paper on the day the two broken through that level of
support their
and a downtrend this look it up on the 5 minute chart here in the wind above
you can see the list below the mainly picket line then it's formed a little
bit of support
so the jump trading screen and their pickups telling
which as i last screen here British pound the ice US Dollar
sell it but 30 lots in here
which is that they couldn't three hundred dollars per pip
separate if it makes my favorite make three hundred dollars 350 if it gets me
over to
at least three hundred dollars that that from skis and getting that trade on
life now there is something that's is because some strays
lakes and on it now runs just got legs broken through the daily
assist organize my screens a little bit here um
from Stetson meet up and down I'm
the reason I'm I believe it's got legs is is because it's broken the daily
that's below the pivot on the 5 minute chart member the futures floor traders
using this main pivot to lines on the 5 minute chart to show us
exactly what we should be fine so their current C span multiple trench multiple
time frames for agreeing
have got a good signal see can see here let kids play that made headlines
um it to its doubt just looking to break through
that me to point on the five-minute which is set which is where placed on
and dump the kidnapper to stop Abarth
perfect shot me back and let this thing run and miss let it run
for know the holes trading sessions spin up it that make notes I hit that main
line from the full and they've got a good run distance them to click on my
fifth extension till which has modified his slightly
estimated that the potential and the meat is got a potential 130 pips to run
and like they're trying to Canadian 130 pips skirt do another one of these
quick traits for you guys to say how long or what can be made in a period of
but I am gonna let this run and and look to see what can be collected
to jump back to my trading screed here um you can see that I've got
this is a position to modify the fun at the open position here to see can see
it's a bit to
to text see that the running PNL it's him up like a left fourteen hundred
up the goal he really is just see what can be done
blitzer keep it going to be put off the Strait well
well cases that sucks a trade off the table
notice that we have some support forming here at the Sir
s 10 here theft rates for quite literally overnight
a we are 36 may say we've got general election the UK today
as well as have non-farm payrolls coming up tomorrow
in the United States so there's a sneeze activity coming up and stuff set up
so well let's look straight down here we have from
the position running Chris Pennell 60,000
let's take the position of the table so hit close and
it will close pushed out here the placing are close to buy
purchase of $30 gots
and yeah trade is not a lot so
16,700 could trade at
let's move on to the of
How to make $16,7000 trading Forex using a Secret strategy
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Best forex strategy secrets profit: How to make $16,7000 trading Forex using a Secret strategy
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How to make $16,7000 trading Forex using a Secret strategy
How to make $16,7000 trading Forex using a Secret strategy
Description : Tips : How to make $16,7000 trading Forex using a Secret strategy | okay so I've got his paper on...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Description : Tips : How to make $16,7000 trading Forex using a Secret strategy | okay so I've got his paper on...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
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